One of the first things you learn is that each class is made up of some constant elements.
This is a sequence of types of exercises that create the shape of most BB classes, and keep the exertion levels high enough to be challenging, yet mixed up enough that you’re not always working the same muscles.
This is what we call the BeyondBarre Elements. A road map for each class that helps all BB classes to be similar, yet not the same.
In teacher training, we are taught those elements and the reasoning behind them. Then, we get introduced to the endless variety that can expand that core program. There are different exercises, different ways to do almost any exercise, as well as those modifications that help EVERYONE at all fitness strengths complete a lesson.
Then there is the Movement Guide that outlines how a changing body position creates new exercise variations in order to attain different workout focuses.
BeyondBarre Basics is the jumping off point for the instructor training followed by the BeyondBarre Dynamics course.
Each level is inspired by a different approach to those BB Elements (for example, movement becomes increasingly dynamic). There are manuals for every stage and each exercise is illustrated with an abundance of photos. So, even when you’ve left the training, you have a constant reference to continue making improvements while you stay within the method. Trained teachers also have access to videos on our website that showcase tried-and-true exercises and a library of workouts.